Get Involved

Get Involved

Make a Donation

Donate to a program! Your generous donations go towards educational and fun programs for children and teens.

Volunteer at the Library

Make new friends and get involved by volunteering at the Library. Work by yourself on a project or volunteer in a group program. We appreciate all of our volunteers!

Click here to complete the application form.

Community Partnerships

Libraries today must master many new and different roles. The Bedford Public Library works with a variety of community partners to provide services in our community. Our citizens are best served through diverse programs developed by working with other individuals and organizations. When everyone works together, libraries become places that anchor community life and bring people together.

We support learning and education, and we assist local organizations that seek to improve the quality of life for our area. We know that to expand opportunity, we must work with others to make the best use of our staff, resources, and funding.

We encourage local organizations to contact us concerning community partnership opportunities.

Call 812-275-4471 or email Nathan Watson for additional information.